Effective Communication Workshops - December edition!

Hi there,

It's almost time for the December round of the Effective Communication workshops! Woohoo!

Inside the workshops:

This time I'm going to be hosting them twice on a Thursday - once at 10.30am (London time) and once at 6.30pm (London time).

The zoom link will be available on facebook and instagram - or you can drop me a line at hello@elizaraven.com and I'll send it direct to your email.

The first call will take 2 hours - it's a deep dive intro to all things communication, and I'll be getting you to tell me a little about your experiences too. The following 3 weekly calls will be an hour in length and we will cover formal work scenarios, family issues, legal problems and health and wellbeing.

I'm looking forward to hosting the workshops again - and very much looking forward to seeing you there!

Take care,

Lizzy @ Eliza Raven

The Bridge Cottage, Doniford, Somerset TA23 0TH
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