Are you feeling misunderstood?

Do your words express your meaning clearly?

Join others, just like you, who are exploring new ways of communicating on the

4 week "Effective Communication in Impossible Situations" online course,

which I'm running every Thursday on Zoom.

Click THIS BUTTON to learn more or click HERE for the link to get yourself access!

or Come with me on a year long journey of intentional living

....with the Changemaker Programme designed for entrepreneurs and all of you who feel the urge to make a difference in the world!

You want to make change happen, you want to be an integral part of making it happen everywhere, but you don't know how.

How do you go from ranting and railing against the state of the everything to being part of the solution? Climate focused, anti-patriarchal structures, or homing in on providing support to sufferers of domestic abuse and refugees.... My job is helping you identify the “what”, the “how”, the "when" so you can go from feeling pressured because you are too busy doing "your thing", to spaciously creating change for all.

Changemakers operates in two ways. Firstly theres 1:1 mentorship with me. Goal driven, highly focused, strategic mentoring designed to take you from the abstract to the concrete, and give you back control over giving back to others. In addition, you will also be part of an online peer support group of other people who share your vision for creating change in the world - a safe, secure space filled with other amazing visionary humans all working towards the same goal - being the change you want to see in the world.

You'll need an income stream to support your dreams, and time to make it happen - so that's where we begin the focus - it's business coaching for passion projects!

You're not the Dragons from the Den, you're not interested in hoarding wealth, you want to pay it forward, share the wealth. You want to do things differently, and support the causes you feel passionate about.

I walk with you, helping you create a sustainable structure through which you can achieve your aims. I give you firm foundations and a solid structure which you are going to need to meet and match your passion!

This whole programme is designed to create a family of like-minded people. An immense wealth of people who I know can be called upon to build passion projects, with the idea that year on year we build the number of people within the Alumni Hall, who can rely on each other and enjoy community together.

Changemakers is designed to equip you to take all of your passion out into the world and actually DO the stuff you dream about!

I believe that the people who want to be Changemakers are the ones who felt they had to put their own passions to one side in order to be successsful.

What if you don't have to wait?

What will you achieve if you don't wait any longer!

For those of you who know that you need more undivided time and attention - or specific mentoring to suit your personal or business strategic needs there's always the option of 1:1 coaching delivered either in person or online.

Click below to find out more......

Or if you already know this is the path for you....click below!

A Year of Intentional Living

I will provide a curated and considered chat about things going on in the world right now, how they affect us, why they might be occurring in this way and showing up in our lives at this time and tiny bite sized portions of ways to add a level of ritual and intentionality to our noisy, busy, modern lives.

The readtime will be aimed at around 2-5 minutes and may contain links to a meditation or other material to support you during the week.

It’s meant to be a moment of intentional pause you can insert into your life which will help enrich it and refocus you towards your intended path – and maybe even inspire you to try an new venture!

Or, if you feel as though you've lost your way a little, why not try a

Divination Session?

Divination Sessions are your portal to the other possible realities which exist around us all of the time, in which we use the tools available to us to anchor the possible into the actual. In these moments together, we will explore all the options open to us, determine a course and spend time accessing the invisible world all around us using energy work, tarot, runes, medicine walks, oracle cards, meditation, intention setting and innate magic.

And if you're just starting out as a soulful, heart-led, passionate entrepreneur, join Rebel Business School, and learn about all actually important elements of running your own business - without the fluff and flannel!

Take your idea from the possible to the actual; with a structured, concrete, goal-led course to carry you through your first year of business and help you create a strategic, long-term success story.

If you're ready to say yes to your rebel future.......click below!

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